Per the Governor’s decision, mask are no longer required in public and private establishments. With that said, at King’s Mane Barbering LLC., we are still mindful of the safety of both our patrons and our barbers/stylists. Please adhere to the following:
1: It will be at your discretion to wear mask or not. We ask that if you have not had the vaccine that, for your safety, you wear a mask. We will ask the same of our barbers/stylists.
2: All clients will continue to sign-in. Your temperature will be taken at the door and recorded prior to service. If it is above a 99.6°, you will be refused service. IF YOU ARE SICK or HAVE BEEN IN CONTACT WITH SOMEONE WHO IS SICK, PLEASE DO NOT COME IN.
3: We are now accepting walk-ins however; the preferred way of getting serviced is to (1) make an appointment with your barber @www.kmb210.com (the best method) or (2) to call the shop.
4: Please allow 15 minutes between appointments for barbers to properly clean and sanitize equipment and their areas. Also, there will be hand-sanitizer at the door. Please use it when you come in.
5: With the added labor and cleaning supplies required to ensure your safety, the costs of all services have increased by $5 (posted on our Services page).
Our apologies for any inconvenience this may cause, however; please rest assured that your safety is our primary concern. Again, thank you for your patronage, your loyalty, and your patience.
– Chief (Owner)